Hi, I'm Matt!
tl;dr: I'm a husband, traveler, reader, software engineer & digital minimalist. This site includes my stories and projects.I was born and raised in the Chicagoland area and I’m still here today.
I’m a software engineer by trade and have worked in various industries, including
financial technology/trading, web3.0 (Solana) and industry-agnostic consulting.
Some of the languages I’ve used in professional settings:
- Python3
- Typescript/Javascript
- C++ (14/17)
& I love to learn new ones!
While some may say that I have a lack of specialization, I take pride in my breadth of languages. Learning new programming languages is fun for me and gives me a broader perspective on the types of systems which make up our current technological landscape, and also provide context about the different use cases which each tool is best fit to solve. For example, I’m not going to deploy a web server in C++ (not any day soon, at least), and likewise it’s unlikely that I’ll write a low-latency trading algorithm in Java …I will use Python for almost anything, though :)